WARNING! Im' a big whiner. This blog contains some amount of whining and bitching and blaming the world. By reading on you agree that you will not whine about the whining.
Hi, I discovered your blog by sheer chance. Ok, I will not whine about the whining :) Well, I find it quite intriguing and I feel that you are an interesting person. Je te comprend, dans une certaine maniere! Et j'attend des updates, meme si tu as prevenu tout le monde que tu n'as aucune envie de les faire...
Hi, I discovered your blog by sheer chance. Ok, I will not whine about the whining :) Well, I find it quite intriguing and I feel that you are an interesting person. Je te comprend, dans une certaine maniere! Et j'attend des updates, meme si tu as prevenu tout le monde que tu n'as aucune envie de les faire...
Oh, I also created my blog in order to post a comment on somebody else's blog.
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